Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Dear nursing working mommies

Here are some tips that I think are worth sharing for a good milk supply. Just beacause I'm one of you and I know how it feels :)

#1 Invest in a good breastpump.

I choose Medela Freestyle because it's so convenient for us busy career woman. I can pump with my eyes closed, while I'm doing my house chores, while I'm at my workstation, in the car; even while I'm driving (not recommended but do-able).

My life saviour!

This is my personal preference. You can choose whichever pump that suits you best. 

Just remember that being comfortable while expressing your milk is the key because when you're comfortable, your mind will receive positive signals and thus you'll be able to be more productive :) 

Some say that looking at your little one's picture or video while expressing can help too. I did this during the early stages of expressing at the office and It did help me to be more positive. 

On top of that, I also include zikr (Ya Matin - means the most unbrakable might) and prayers to Allah (for me to able to breastfeed my little one till she's 2 years old and may my breastfeeding journey be eased) while expressing.

#2 Invest in nutritious food and supplements.

When you're breastfeeding, you have to remember that you not only need to provide nutrients for your little one but you need to ensure that your body is fit enough for feeding. Anything that goes into you're body you will be sharing them with your mini. If you don't get enough calcium, your little one might be 'stealing' it all away and what's left for you is only a toothless grin. Scary, huh?

As adviced by my mother and from my personal reading (read: Google.hehe), these help increase milk supply:

- white radish (lobak putih in Malay). Usually my mom will just steam it during confinement but it doesn't taste so good.

- turnip (sengkuang in Malay)
- Oats

- Dates. Snack on it.

- almonds

- Fenugreek (halba in Malay). Boil the fenugreek and drink the boiled water OR you can just the purchase the Fenugreek pills from GNC ehe.

- anything with high fibre and protein

- rice 

- lots and lots of H2O (water in case you don't know hehe)

- Recipes I got from my sister's tukang urut:
1. Fresh milk HL + serbuk badam panggang + kismis kuning + honey = make a milkshake out of em.

2. Beli dr kedai Cina - longan kering + red dates + gula batu = boil em and drink the boiled water.

- Shaklee breastfeeding set (click HERE to purchase). This set can be consumed upon delivery except Alfalfa as it contains herbs. I totally recommend Shaklee supplements coz I've consumed them and I experienced great results from them. Not only did the supplements increased my milk supply, they also increased the quality of my milk, made me less lethargic and my skin that used to be scaly and dry turned to smooth and supple. Read about my breastfeeding journey with Shaklee in my previous post "Breastmilk is Best!".

#3 Most importantly, invest your unconditional love and time for your little one.

Your child will only be a baby once. Then, they'll be start crawling, walking, going to college and next thing you know they'll be getting married and will be having their own kid. Then, you'll definitely miss those intimate breastfeeding moments. Even now that my little Maryam is only one and a half years old, I can't imagine her not clinging on me. Sadddd. 

Waittt. I am missing my point here. What I meant is, when you spend more time with your little one, she/he will naturally be attached to you. And when there is demand, there will be supply, inshaAllah.

#4 Stay postive!

Your brain can sense your positivity and send signals to your body to produce milk. 

Remember, moms are designed to breastfeed their child(ren) so do not lose hope. 

If you're feeling low, reach for support. Your spouse, your family, your friends or even a Facebook support group should boost up your confidence. Share your fears. Know that you are not alone! Afterall, it's the natural thing to do.

Lots of love,
Mom of Maryam Sofea, engineer and Shaklee entrepeneur,
Sumaiyah Abd Ghani
IG: sumaiyahag
Twitter: sumaiyahag

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